Friday 25th November

Today I began work on my radial menu, the first part of this was creating a circular menu in which will display on the users wrist at the push of a button. To do this, I first created the circular menu within the motion controller blueprint and added four circles in each direction, in which the user can select. By utilising the oculus touch controllers input, I allowed the user to press the B button for the menu to appear on their wrist. By using the location of the motion controllers and an offset, I managed to have the menu move and rotate with the users hands. The next step was adding an arrow to the center of the watch face, this is then controlled by the joystick on the right controller, this is done by finding the direction the joystick is pointing and turning that into a rotation in which the arrow can rotate around the center towards. When the radial Menu is open, the log prints out the direction the arrow is facing every second, which shows what option from the menu the user would interact with. If I were to actually make a VR game, each of these directions would do something, however currently they just print out the desired direction.
VR Development Blog
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